DAMOKIS "Grinding Mother Whore" (Grundar Production)
The XL grinders strike back after some hiatus. Yes DAMOKIS is alive and well, as witnessed with the fittingly titled "Grinding Mother Whore". As the case with most grind releases, it is pretty hard to add to what has been established. You are already familiarised with what to expect. It is the way a band juxtaposed it to create their own that makes the difference, no matter how small it is. With DAMOKIS we have some experienced people at hand, thus a well-baked grind concoction is guaranteed. "Grinding Mother Whore" is 17 tracks of DAMOKIS grind that equates total belching chaos and a sense for hooking grooves, which is vital for a grind-related release to grab my listening attention (and many others, I assume). How long can you stand a straight forward non-stop instruments thrashing in a discreet and singular scope? Not that long, assuredly. This is when variations are needed, and DAMOKIS utilise that whenever they are on call. Yes, you can go through the 17 tracks without skipping, a justified valuation of your hard earned $$$ is guaranteed. Top it off with their tongue-in-cheek humour sense, and you got yourself a well worth grinding album in hand. Nicely packaged too.
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